I like it a bit too much

1 min readMar 15, 2023

The feeling of flying without the fear of falling
makes me feel as though I am invincible
like a bird who knows its landing is secured
I do not hesitate to take the leap.
I have forced myself to stay on the ground
as I fear if I fly again it'll be my last
the sky wasn't made for me
yet it is there that I feel the freest.
A sober feeling is fun for a while
to know who I am warts and all
but the sun keeps calling me
It's pull is too enticing to say no.
See, I am just a subject of gravity,
I cannot help but float to the strongest source.
Once again it calls me,
and my mind says let us go.
So I follow,
Let my head get lost in the clouds.
Hopefully, I can take it,
and my feet touch the ground with grace once again.

